Legacy User    2008-07-10 13:28:12 GMT-5
 None    Breaking News

In short greg destroyed the site, well not the site but the database.

In short greg destroyed the site, well not the site but the database.

Well, everyone reregister. All your data is gone, not that anyone had anything important here. If you were an admin before the site crashed, then the Deltik Website Administration Team has already e-mailed you your new password.

President: DeltaBurnt
Vice President: Kovi
Head Website Administrator: ZAPPERPOST

ZAPPERPOST used the power of Google­® to restore the Forums (excluding the posts and topics).
DeltaBurnt used his memory to bring back part of the main website.
Kovi has a list of things to do that he will do in the night (well, morning for him).

After all our Gregory incidents, a lot of you probably don't want to come back anymore. *sigh*. I guess that's okay.

Pending data to recover:
• Delta OS
• Other minor administrative stuff
• Affiliates

This news item is from Deltik